Travel tip of the week
Get your hepatitis vaccinations etc. from the STD clinic: they are free!
Get your hepatitis vaccinations etc. from the STD clinic: they are free!
Met some lovely ladies for lunch today, and was telling one (Caroline) about my impending trip to Vietnam. Caroline said that the I Don’t Have Anything To Declare line is always long. Really long! Caroline said what she does is picks something to declare e.g. chocolate and joins the I Do Have Something To Declare line, which is usually pretty…
Being the slight (?) control freak that I am, I have put all my flights and hotels into TripIt so that I can access my itinerary via my iPhone. A selection of the hotels I will be staying at include: Sunway Hotel in Hanoi Halong Plaza Hotel in Halong City Huong Giang Hotel in Hue City Hoi An Trails Resport…