I was only in Crete for a few short hours, but in that time was enchanted by the city of Heraklion. I thought it was a fabulous place.
I walked from the port into the city – about a 10 minute stroll, so around a kilometre. I was rewarded with a view over the marina, cobbled stones, lovely European architecture, and a market that served the locals, not tourists: fish, fruit, vegetables and the like. I bought a hat for €10, which was an end of season bargain.
I did notice a lot of gypsies and illegal immigrants as I meandered through the town. They were selling flowers, cheap plastic toys, playing Greek music on accordions (these were young children, maybe eight or ten years of age) or begging. I walk past them, not really knowing what the protocol around giving is. I feel like I should, but don’t, because I worry I’ll be the victim of a scam.
When I was in Belgrade many years ago that’s what I found the most confronting – the young children begging for money. There were so many of them 🙁 Thankfully I had a local with me who helped steer me away.