Feel the fear (and do it anyway)

The thing I like about travel—really like—is that it gets me out of my comfort zone. I’m sitting here waiting for my plane to Singapore and thinking about India, my destination. My emotions are roller-coasting, alternating between fear and excitement. My stomach is a ball of nerves and I feel the stress of venturing into an unknown destination. On my own. No safety net.

Of course, that’s not entirely true. When I land in Amritsar, I will be transferred to my hotel and join my tour in a couple of days. So my fear is largely unfounded. I will be seeing India in relative safety, with most of the details—transport, accommodation, sight seeing—largely taken care of.

But I can’t help harking back to my first trip to Vietnam where landing there was surreal, scary, exciting. I loved that trip, even with all it’s difficulties and challenges.

I have the feeling India will challenge me in kind of the same way.

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