Former Yugoslavia: the good, the bad and the interesting

Here are my thoughts on my week long tour in the former Yugoslavia. Overall, I really enjoyed this trip, and can highly recommend it as travel destination.

The Good

There were lots of Aussies on the tour, and a special mention goes to Narelle, Al and Renee from Brisbane, who I met before the tour started. Lovely people, and we had a lot of fun (see Ockyism post).

I loved Sarajevo in Bosnia and Hercegovina, and Zagreb in Croatia for very different reasons. Where Sarajevo was gritty and grungy, Zagreb was genteel and refined. Both cities surprised me, and I would have loved to have spent at least a week in each.

The scenery was magnificent, particularly the drive down the Croatian coast, and the drive inland through Bosnia and Hercegovina. Stunningly beautiful.

The hotel food, particularly the breakfasts, has been really good. Scrambled eggs (real ones, not that powdered shite), boiled eggs, fruit and tea meant that I was a happy camper. Even the included dinners were very good, which id not often the case. Everything was just so fresh.

Wifi was practically everywhere!

The Bad

Local guides who are grudging with toilet stops are cruel. On a couple of occasions, I’ve really needed to go, and they have been less than forthcoming – or generous – with toilet stops. It’s hard to enjoy your walking tour when you are busting.

The only bad meal – disgusting actually – was a scheduled lunch stop outside Sarajevo. I was served packet chicken soup, with a few vegetables chucked in it, and it was warm, not hot. I should be grateful that I didn’t order anything else, judging from other people’s meals.

The Interesting

Postojna Caves was our first stop, and it was a magnificent cave system. I could not believe how many people were there the day we were.

Brian (who was a victim of the drug thalidomide) and his wife May, were such an inspiration. He did everything we did – including some very tricky walking. He never complained and was one of the most enthusiastic happy people I have ever met. Ditto his wife May.

There is still a lot of unrest in this area, with tensions bubbling beneath the surface ready to boil ovary again, particularly between Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia/Hercegovina. There is evidence everywhere of war: bombed out buildings, bullet and shrapnel marks on walls, grave sites, and even the odd tank or two here and there. It’s such a beautiful part of Europe, and it’s such a shame that this conflict can’t be resolved peacefully. My understanding is that Tito had is issues, but by and large, he did a lot of good in this area.

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1 Comment

  • Susan Cooper September 18, 2013 at 1:21 PM

    Wow it sounds like a great place to visit as long as you don’t order the soup or have to use the restroom. 🙂


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