India is crazy-amazing, full of crazy-amazing sights. This is a snapshot of the things I saw in my month-long sojourn there…
- An elephant and a naked man walking along the same stretch of road in Delhi
- Camels, horses and mules pulling carts
- Cows, pigs and bulls walking around loose on main roads
- Sheep, goats and camels being herded along highways
- Buses being driven up the wrong side of the highway
- A horse being ridden along the highway
- Lots of foot traffic along the highway
- Brightly dressed women carrying pots, sticks and cloth-wrapped bundles on the their heads
- A motorcycle passenger dragging a large branch along a main road
- Rows of cow pats drying in the sun
- Pats of dried cow dung arranged in intricate piles, some carefully, some not
- Men and boys bathing in open baths
- Men stopping for a pee on the road
- Vehicles, including trucks and tuk tuks, packed tight with people
- Motorcycles overloaded to the point of insanity with goods
- Buffaloes tied up outside dwellings
- Snake charmers hypnotising cobras
- Women reaping crops in the fields with scythes
- A man being beaten up in Jaipur
- Rubbish piled up everywhere – only a few cities and the major cultural sights were clean
- Women sweeping the highway with long brushes
- Families living on footpaths on mats under tarps
- Hand-carts loaded with all sorts of goods being pushed and pulled through main streets in Delhi, Jaipur and Mumbai
- Cows tied up in Mumbai so people could feed them—they aren’t allowed to roam loose
- Brightly colored, tasseled and decorated trucks
- People with all sorts of deformities, carrying their children and begging
- Women and men washing clothes and pots and pans in rivers
And that wasn’t the half of it!
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