I travelled to Japan in 2014, for Cherry Blossom. Japan was one of the easiest trips I’ve done… and I thought it would be the hardest because I was travelling completely on my own and I spoke no Japanese. It was easy because the train system was so fabulous, and there were English signs everywhere. The Nakasendo Way was the trail that was used by samurai in the Edo period. I hiked the Kiso Valley trail between Magome, Matsumoto and Tsumago, and it took around three hours. This part of the trail is gently undulating (although it felt steep at the time) and—as you can see from this photo essay—the scenery is just stunning! Many of the villages along the Nakasendo Way are almost untouched by modern times, so you get a real glimpse of what life would have been like in Japan.

Such a great adventure I’d love to show my husband! xo Loren // http://www.thinkelysian.com
Japan is a wonderful destination, Loren. Everyone should visit at least once in their lifetime 🙂